The Courage to speak Out - 9/11 and US (2021) Documentary in 11 Chapters - with English Subtitles

Chapters: 00:03:20 A great shock is linked to a great narrative. 00:11:12 The early truth movement: from architects to filmmakers 00:26:46 9/11 and our media 00:37:38 9/11 and our universities I 00:49:54 9/11 in the USA: The study of WTC7 by Prof. Leroy Hulsey, Alaska 00:54:42 9/11 and our universities II 01:06:22 9/11, imperial power politics and the German armed forces 01:29:37 False flag attacks: looking back at the history of the CIA. 01:45:18 Courage to tell the truth: breaking the silence on Ramstein 01:59:35 Courage to tell the truth: Beyond censorship 02:20:32 Courage for truth: What are we guided by? Mut zur Wahrheit - Der 11. September und wir / Doku in 11 Kapiteln deutsche Fassung:
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