TriplePung. Game 17 (71) (Bern, 4 deals). Two good hands and one feed.

I collected “pure straight“ from discard (2nd deal) and “all types“ from the wall (the last deal), and also fed the last tile to the opposite player. Who could tell she was waiting for the last “3 Dots“?.. Mark also that in the 3rd deal the player to my right declared a false mahjong without structure and lost 60 points. Maybe he just missed a button -- wanted to declare a chow and accidentally clicked “Mahjong“. In the last deal I could win from the wall only -- if anyone else was taking this White, it could be a victory by the player to my left. Useful links: MahjongTime portal - MahjongSoft portal - MCR rules at EMA - MCR Practicum (ready hands problems), the latest version (link to a Google Drive folder) - On any questions please contact me via e-mail @
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