Нас накрывает... Стихи читает автор Демирина. Covers us... The poems are read by the author Demirina
poems are read by the author Demirina.
Covers us. Rain. The roofs are groaning.
Whispering, screaming... I’m still the same, but quieter,
Than the summer heat released thunder:
I fight, I make my way in a sandy stream ...
Deaf to the universal rainy streams,
Something from the power and something from the current,
That dissolves the body to the end,
Leaving no glare...
The peak is not an animal instinct, but the beginning!
The point from which the armada moored
And ships over the dawn of sails
With booming long octave bass...
No matter how much foam, no drizzle,
Somewhere moisture and strength is taken
Life and Love to sing on Earth,
Identified with a flash in the dark!
стихи читает автор Демирина.
Нас накрывает. Дождь. Стонут крыши.
Шепчешь, кричишь... Я всё то же, но тише,
Чем летним зноем отпущенный гром:
Бьюсь-пробиваюсь песчаным ручьём...