[HD] Demining farmland in the Kherson region 24/3/22 Разминирование сельхозугодий Херсонской области

In the south of the Kherson region, the engineering troops of the Southern Military District have begun a complete demining of the area that was previously under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalist battalions. On the maps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were seized by Russian military personnel in abandoned headquarters, minefields were marked, which were deliberately placed on farmland and agricultural facilities. The actions of sappers are complicated by the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, when mining objects, did not always mark on the maps the mine traps they created. The work of Russian engineers in this region is led by the commander of a separate engineering brigade of the Southern Military District, Colonel Dmitry Markov. During the humanitarian demining of agricultural land in the Kherson region, Russian servicemen neutralized more than 12,000 explosive objects. На юге Херсонской области инженерные войска Южного военного округа приступили к сплошному размин
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