#2nd #Caddy #Nimitz #Thinkpad #L440 #Backup Installing Second HDD SSD Using Caddy | Upgrade

#Installing #Second #HDD #SSD #Lenovo #Thinkpad #L440 Replace Your Laptop DVD Drive With an SSD or HDD: It’s That Easy! The drive caddy replaces the DVD drive. In this, you place the chosen extended storage, a HDD or SSD. There’s no standardized design for laptops. While there remains a lack of standardization for laptop computers, the same is n’t true of the upgradeable parts. DVD drives are mostly a certain shape and size. This means that a caddy can be easily slipped into the space that the DVD drive occupied. Where can you find a HDD caddy? The best place is on Amazon, in this video i have used this one: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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