Nature Of Japan (Nature Techni Colour)

Brand : Nature Techni Colour (Japan) Title : Nature Of Japan / 日本のいきもの 03 / 일본의 자연 3탄 Release Date : April, 2015 Price : 300yen per each (from capsule toy machines) Set contents : 21. Japanese Serow (ニホンカモシカ / 일본 산양) 22. Sparrow (スズメ /참새) 23. Japanese Stag beetle (オオクワガタ / 왕사슴벌레) 24. Land Snail (ミスジマイマイ / 달팽이) 25. Ayu (アユ /은어) 26. Horsehair Crab (ケガニ /털게 or 왕밤송이게) 27. Cherry Blossom (ソメイヨシノ /벚꽃) 28. (富士山 / 후지산)
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