Custom Svelte Store: Higher Order Store

Custom Svelte Store: Higher Order Store --- In this video, I am going to show how to use functional programming concept, higher-order functions into Svelte stores. And I am calling it, higher-order store. Higher order store is a function that takes in a store as an argument, and returns a new store. The returned store is derived from the input store, but with enhanced abilities. For example, a `throttled` higher-order store takes in a store and returns a `throttled` version of the store. The store value is updated in a throttled manner. Writing the `throttle` logic as a higher-order store allow us to easily reuse it, by applying `throttle` to any store that we want to throttle. In the video, I’ve shown other examples of higher-order store, such as: - throttle - debounce - readonly - spring --- 💻 REPL: 📚 Related Resources DOM Events as Svelte Store tweened() Svelte store The Difference Bet
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