Warning: This video has rapidly flashing lights that may not be suitable for all audiences. It took a lot longer than originally planned, but Quaoar is finally done! While I say that, there’s still playtesting and LDM left, but it’s pretty much done. There’s no more parts left to be built at least. Speaking of playtesting, if any of my friends wish to help out for that, you can send me a direct message to let me know. Overall, I’d say I’m really happy with the finished product, at least visually. I didn’t give the creators much direction besides what colors to use. For the drop, I wanted them to use rainbow colors along with white to match the intensity, while parts before and after this were to use rainbow colors with dark gray or black. Of course, I got pretty much only design and effect creators, with the latter concentrated around the drop to take advantage of their skills. I’d say everyone did a great job. I’d also like to give a special thanks to Floppy