Strymon Deco - Tape Flanging and Tape Chorus audio examples

Deco - Tape Saturation and Doubletracker Learn more here: 0:07 - Thick Shake * 0:39 - Flange Filtered * 1:15 - Off-Center * 2:14 - Vintage Doubles * 2:51 - Harmonics * 3:27 - Space Blues ** 3:56 - Rocking Chair ** 4:25 - Lagging in Stereo * 5:16 - Subtle * (MXR distortion used before Deco) 5:48 - Tape Flange ** (MXR distortion used before Deco) 6:14 - Saturated Burst * We used two setups for this video. Here are the signal paths we used:
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