Get the full-length video lessons here: ►►
“Pole Inversions“ is the foundation for your inverts. Build a strong core, learn your first tricks upside-down and put them into fun combos. For:
• Advanced beginners who struggle with basic inverts
• Intermediate-level students who want to polish their inverting technique - from the floor, in the air and on spinning.
Discover tons of progressions that will match your level and show you the next step you need to work on.
“Pole Inversions vol. 1 – Inverts & Leg Hangs“ is available in the on-demand library of The Pole Dancer: ►►
This video shows
... last month’s moves and combos of Pole Inversions.
„POLE INVERSIONS“ helps you build a strong core, learn different kinds of inversions and put them all together into fun combos. For adv. beginners and inter. level students who want to polish their inverting technique and mastShow more