
今年中秋,你们怎么过?白天我们会去逛集市,买一些过节吃的糖和水果,然后去外婆家送一点好吃的,这叫:“拜节”。 作为“回礼”,外婆也摘了些瓜果蔬菜给我带回家。 到了晚上,供完月亮,我们一家人就围坐吃月饼,聊聊家常,心情好再打个歌。云南人有喜庆节日都会聚在一起打歌。月满杯盈,一切的圆满只为团圆,希望你们和家人都可以健康、开心,爱你们~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. How did you celebrate Mid-Autumn Day? We went to the market in the day and bought some candies and fruits for the festival. I also visited granny’s and brought some snacks. This is call “Holiday Visit“. As a “present in return“, granny also picked some fruits and vegetable
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