築地銀だこ 焼き方が凄いたこ焼き職人【職人芸】The Art of Takoyaki Making! GINDACO God’s Skill in Japan!
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Today’s video is from the takoyaki legend “Tsukiji Gindaco“.
There were various approaches, such as approaching the local Kyoto store and permission to shoot. As a result, I went on an expedition to Kobe’s Sannomiya store.
Once I asked chef to take a fixed-point shot, he asked, “Whether you’re going on a 15-minute course or a 20-minute course?“
I said “I would like a 15-minute course!“
And, video shooting began.
It’s not fast forward.
Seriously, Gindaco chef is God!
Video shoot cooperation: Tsukiji Gindaco / Sannomiya store
Business hours: 10: 00-21: 45
Regular holiday: No holiday
In-store food and drink: Yes
Takeout: Yes
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