Foot sweep the most beautiful throw. How to do it correctly \ sambo academy

Me and my team wanted to improve the quality of our videos, help us understand what you would like to watch? If you want to see my life and get answers to your questions at once, subscribe to my Instagram @ivanvasylchuk_sp Foot sweep-the most beautiful throw. How to do it correctly. - Ivan Vasylchuk’s competition footage Execution of the throw is always accompanied by crowd’s “WOW“! You can see the throw in sambo and judo, still, it’s fairly rare move. Seemingly it’s easy to o learn, but the idea is to unbalance your opponent in proper direction as he’s resisting. Sweep is a spectacular throw and I share all my knowledge of the technique. Throws with and without the jacket Ivan Vasylchuk - Sambo Academy 👉 subscribe 👉
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