Crossover P2 Gong Jun & Lee Soo-hyuk- Underworld Wedding?

#gongjun #leesoohyuk #wenkexing&gwi Tagline: Others may receive ten miles of betrothal gifts, I’ll gift you a city full of corpses. Summary: Gwi refused to accept Wen Kexing’s death in the mortal realm and went to great length to resurrect him so they can be happily ever after... Featuring Gong Jun of Word of Honor & Lee Soo-hyuk of Scholar Who Walks the Night @Elf_Maru Original link: 别人有十里红妆,我赠你全城尸首 | 你就算死了,我也要从地府中拉你上来成婚| 李洙赫 X 龚俊 |温客行
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