I adore this song so much, so cool to play drums on it and I wanted to spice it up with something new and it’s the dance!
I truly think that the rhythm and passion are absolutely common in both arts.
Huge thanks to LUDWIG drums for the support and for this beautiful Neusonic Skyline Blue kit (22“ / 12“ / 16“) 14“ raw brass snare plus breakbeat floor tom / Roland SPDSX
Also grateful for the following artists who had participated/worked on the video.
Dancers: Judit Kaló, Lili Sziklai
Sound: Czirók Dávid, Máté Jancsovics
Video: Vata Makk, Jácint Jónás, Balázs Szőcs
Istanbul cymbals : Tadeusz Rieckmann
Locale: Instant-Fogas