CrossFit - Coaching Points with Mike Burgener

Originally published in the CrossFit Journal () on July 21, 2009. There is more to a Mike Burgener Olympic weightlifting seminar than shouts of “Yeah, burpees!“ and “Yes, coach!“ Throughout the weekend, Coach Burgener will periodically call a halt to the small group work to highlight a problem he’s seeing or to make sure everyone hears his answer to a question. Coach Burgener calls these interruptions “coaching points.“ This video from Again Faster features three coaching points taken from a seminar held March 7-8, 2009 at CrossFit Old Town in Alexandria, Va. The first coaching point concerns the importance of vertical hip thrust in the snatch. The movement should not be confused with the horizontal hip thrust seen in the kettlebell swing. Coaches should look for the down and up motion that creates the jump. The second coaching point is about breathing. Coaches should ensure their trainees take deep belly breaths, squat,
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