Marc’Antonio Ingegneri: Beata viscera Mariae virginis (a5)

This video is part of our commitment to raise awareness (and MONEY) for Breast Cancer Now (#/) and MetUpUK () - if you enjoy this music, please consider making a donation to one or both of these charities. Please use the code CEA in the reference for your donation. Beata viscera Mariae viriginis, Marc’Antonio Ingegneri, Sacrarum cantionum a5 (1576) Musica Secreta, dir. Laurie Stras, St Michael and All Angels, Blackheath, 29 September 2023. Download this track free from Bandcamp until World Cancer Awareness Day, 4 February 2024: Beata viscera Mariae Virginis, quae portaverunt aeterni Patris Filium; et beata ubera, quæ lactaverunt Christum Dominum: qui hodie pro salute mundi de Virgine nasci dignatus est. Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, that bore the son of the everlasting Father:
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