“Care pupille“
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 -- 1741)
Topi Lehtipuu, tenor
I Barrochisti
Diego Fasolis, conductor
From the opera La virtù trionfante, dell’amore, e dell’odio, overo Il Tigrane (RV 740), a pasticcio for which Vivaldi composed only Act II. Act I and the intermezzo were composed by B. Micheli, and Act III by N. Romaldo. First performed at Teatro Capranica in Rome during carnival in 1724.
Libretto by Francesco Silvani.
“Care pupille
Tra mille e mille
Degne voi siete
Sol di regnar.
Come vi piace
Con egual face
D’amor e sdegno
Vi fate amar.“
Dear eyes,
Amid thousand upon thousand
You alone are worthy
To reign.
As it pleases you,
With an equal flame
Of love and disdain
You make men love you.
CD available from Naïve as part of the Vivaldi Edition:
Art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)
Further research:
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“Care pupille“ (Vivaldi) Topi Lehtipuu
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Arminio, HWV 36: Quella fiamma
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Samuel Mariño - debut album “Care pupille“
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A. Caldara - Si, si, care pupille (Philipp Mathmann - Countertenor / Soprano)
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Berenice, regina d’Egitto, HWV 38: Che sarà quando amante accarezza
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La corona, Wq. 35: Quel chiaro rio
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Händel, Vilvaldi & Stradella conducted by William Christie (with Les Arts Florissants) | Part 2/4
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Mozart ‐ La finta giardiniera, K 196∶ Act II, Scene V No 15 Aria “Care pupille belle” Il Contino