Templeton Pek - Damage Control (Official Music Video)

Official music video for “Damage Control“ taken from the British three piece’s 4th studio album “New Horizons“ recorded in Los Angeles and released by LA based Hardline Entertainment. “The song itself is about capitalising on bad situations and using them as a benefit, coming out of that limbo space, as well as being in control of of your own destiny. It is based on a real experience from us during the album previous to “New Horizons” and issues we were going through within the industry at the time, and people in our inner circle no less. We felt like a lot of control had been taken from us and we weren’t represented how we wanted to be, things very nearly came to a head, but we started writing this album which helped the situation and gave us some great songs. But like most things in life this can be applied to anything.” “New Horizons“ was recorded by Ken Seaton at The Porch in Hermosa Beach, CA. Mixed by Cameron Webb at Maple Studio in Santa Ana, CA.
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