Israeli army uses Telegram channel to mislead Israelis

The Israeli army is using a Telegram channel named “72 Virgins – Uncensored” to conduct psychological warfare, targeting Israeli audiences with graphic content from Gaza. Despite official denials, a senior military official confirmed to Haaretz the army’s involvement. The channel, created on 9 October, shortly after the war started, has over 700 posts featuring dead bodies, prisoners and destruction while using provocative captions. This is not the first time the Israeli army has used psychological warfare. It used fake social media accounts during the war in Gaza in 2021 to exaggerate their attacks’ impact on Palestinians. Later, the army admitted to the ‘error’ after it was exposed. Subscribe to our channel: Subscribe to MEE Telegram channel to stay up to date: Middle East Eye Website: Follow us on TikTok: @middleeasteye Follow us on Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
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