TELEGRAM “THREAT TO UKRAINE’S NATIONAL SECURITY“ - INTEL CHIEF (00:05 in vid above): 1 of Kiev’s top terrorists Budanov goes on
TELEGRAM “THREAT TO UKRAINE’S NATIONAL SECURITY“ - INTEL CHIEF (00:05 in vid above): 1 of Kiev’s top terrorists Budanov goes on radio show (? in a car for some reason) to explain why people posting TRUTH on Telegram so very dangerous for #Zelensky’s cabal:
I advocate for, let’s call it physicalizing all these Telegram channels. If you want to break some news, as they say, please register so everyone understands that this channel is registered under Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who lives in #Moscow. And then he will be held responsible, especially for what he posts - Budanov insists (00:38).
Translation of quote above - we hate fact that horrible truth of our dying regime is being broadcast on Telegram and we want access to everyone’s personal details so we can silence them…
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Source: Intel Republic