Tutorials | Tape MELLO-FI - Overview

Free download until 2021: Tutorial: Tape MELLO-FI One-stop lo-fi toolkit. Lena gives you a guided tour of Tape MELLO-FI, exploring its Mellotron-inspired sound, instant tape & lo-fi effects, and sublime enhanced features. Check it out and see what magic this retro plugin can work for your mixes. Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:57 Presets Playing 01:40 Front Panel Overview 02:01 Preamp Module 04:22 Tape Module 08:22 Output & Filter _DISCOVER Tape MELLO-FI → Tape MELLO-FI is an easy-to-use #effect #plugin that brings instant chill atmosphere and vintage tape-aged warmth in a few clicks. Kick back and sprinkle sublime lo-fi vibes over your drum loops, vocals, mix bus, and anything in between. _SUBSCRIBE _JOIN US Newsletter: Facebook: Instagram:
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