Exordium Mors - A Pyrrhic Sacrament (Track Premiere)

“A Pyrrhic Sacrament “ From Exordium Mors’ second album entitled “As Legends Fade And Gods Die“ set to be released on the 31st of October, 2022 in Vinyl/Digital via Praetorian Sword Records. Digital Pre-Order available now at Vinyl / Merch Pre-Order to be announced soon at Pre-save this release on Spotify and other streaming platforms at SUBSCRIBE to this channel for further updates. Like: Follow: PRAETORIAN001 If there’s a word to describe EXORDIUM MORS, it’s outlier. The New Zealand-based band have forged their own path for nearly two decades, disregarding the trends that have come and gone both within the established “underground“ and in the more accepted sections of the metal world. This has resulted in hymns that are a chaotic and volatile blend of speed, dynamics, melod
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