ELDRITCH FORCE (2023) ZX Spectrum Next

Although dismissed by my peers, my study of the Voidstone Talisman - a curiously nebulous artifact - has not only led me to believe I have discovered its potential location, but also driven me to an uncontrollable desire to travel there in person and discover it for myself. It has been all I can think about for several months now, even invading my dreams; dreams of strange shapes in the mist, or eyes peering at me from the darkness. Although the mythology of the Talisman says it has a power to open a gate from another reality, I’m sure that this is just fanciful thinking, although I do not doubt that it has some sort of power over the mind. From my research I believe that it has been broken up into several tight-fitting pieces, and the last credible sighting of one of these was in Hydanford - a small, somewhat unheard of town to the north-east. This is where I am headed now, thankful for the night train that speeds me to the conclusion of my studies. The game was made by Sunteam in 20
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