PyTorch Community Voices | TorchStudio | Robin Lobel

Join us for an interview with star PyTorch community member Robin Lobel as we learn about TorchStudio, an IDE which allows you to easily train your own AI models and get real-time visual feedback. It gives you easy access to PyTorch dataset and models or you can define and train your own datasets and models. TorchStudio is a standalone software based on PyTorch and LibTorch. It aims to simplify the creation, training and iterations of PyTorch models. It runs locally on Windows, Ubuntu and macOS. It can load, analyze and explore PyTorch datasets from the TorchVision or TorchAudio categories, ...or custom datasets with any number of inputs and outputs. PyTorch models can then be loaded and written from scratch, analyzed, and trained using local hardware. Trainings can be run simultaneously and compared to identify the best performing models, and export them as a trained TorchScript or ONNX model. 0:00 Starting soon 1:29 Livestream start/Intros 10:35 TorchStudio Demo 39:23 Q&As --
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