Zirconia Fixed Bridge, Natural looking clinical steps and preparation

patient with a history of recurrent examination, there was no pain on palpation. There was no sign of mobility or discolouration broken teeth. The gum tissue surrounding relative teeth had no abnormality. Los Angeles, In order to hide these esthetic issues,Chicago, On radiological examination,Houston it was evident that a portion of the front teeth were broken exposing the structure called Dentin (yellowish structure which lies beneath the enamel of the tooth).Phoenix, No crack line was seen on the root of tooth. California, No pathological findings in the surrounding bone structure. patient is treated using Clinical Zirconia crowns anterior teeth first visit, Texas, under local anesthesia, root canal procedure was carried out for the broken upper anteriors. Dallas, An access hole was drilled at back of the teeth. The nerve tissue (pulp) of the teeth is taken out followed by cleaning and disinfecting of the root canals. United States., Saline medium is used periodically to flush away the de
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