★Futuristic World of the Future ★Cyberpunk Space Tower City Meditative ★ Mysterious Ambient Journey

Will the Space Tower become a refuge for people in the event of a global catastrophe? Will it be able to act as a platform for space flights? Is there even a hypothetical possibility to create it?This city is of incredible size, compared to which our Earth is just a grain of sand. Naturally, the assumption immediately arose that the Abode of the Creator had been found. Fly between galaxies and planets, nebulae and to our relaxing space music. Created for stargazing, space exploration, Space Healing Memories, Space Meditative Ambient, Music Healing Futuristic, astronomy studies, dreams, soul healing, stress relief and complete relaxation. #SpaceHealing #spacehealingepic #spacemusic #relaxingmusic #ambientmusic #spaceambientmusic #futuristicambient
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