Clopotul Reîntregirii - (Romanian Patriotic song for 1st December)
At 1:33 “Horea, Cloșca and Crișan“ refers to the leaders of the revolt of the Transylvanian Romanians from 1784. ,_Cloșca_and_Crișan
At 1:47 Iancu (full name Avram Iancu) was a Romanian from Transylvania from Apuseni Mountains also known as Țara Moților which at 1:51 “Ca un Isus Cristos cu chip de moț.“ (Like a Jesus Christ with the face of a moț.) referred to the Romanians from Apuseni Mountains. Avram Iancu was the leader of the Romanian revolution in Transylvania in 1848.
Clopotul Reîntregirii (The Bell of Reunification) is a Romanian patriotic song for 1st December which is the National day of Romania. The lyrics were written by Adrian Păunescu and this version is sung by Stefan Hruşcă.
“Clopotul Reîntregirii“ este un cântec patriotic românesc deticat zilei de 1 Decembrie, care este Ziua Națională a României. Versurile au fost scrise de Adrian Păunescu iar această versiune este cântată de Stefan Hruşcă.
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6 months ago 00:03:52 1
Clopotul Reîntregirii - (Romanian Patriotic song for 1st December)