白月光 張信哲 Eng Sub. The White Moonlight. Jeff Chang Xinzhe. [Chiki’s QUALITY English Subtitles]
Dear Friends,
I find myself being drawn to another irresistible Mandarin Chinese classic. This one is all gentle and laid-back with an eerily wistful essence, that grips your soul almost unawares. I suppose that is its wonderful artistry. 張信哲 Jeff Chang Xinzhe’s legendary gentle yet gripping vocals gracing this indelible “白月光 Bai Yueguang: The White Moonlight“ ballad just seeped into my soul mercifully without grinding and grating it away. Thank Heavens!
We all have regrets and sad chapters. This particular song helps you to gently recall and face them without being overwhelmed. When not much attention is being paid to the lyrics, the melody and the soothing vocals can be listened to repeatedly. An easy-listening gem! So sit back, relax and enjoy!
Although not too difficult to translate, I invariably gave it my conscientious attention and efforts. It still required substantial attentiveness and many corrective measures. After
all, I am English educated. I am hoping that my work is of consistent accuracy, wholesome clarity and enduring quality.
Please do convey your sincere comments and constructive criticisms. Thanking you for your kind attention.
Peace, Love & Liberty,
Yours Sincerely,
Chiki Chan
Monday, 7 August 2017
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白月光 張信哲 Eng Sub. The White Moonlight. Jeff Chang Xinzhe. [Chiki’s QUALITY English Subtitles]