Finally the video with which I have worked so much has come to light, and I hope you like it. On this occasion we will review most of the discarded content of the last canceled update of the mod, with a video lasting almost 1 hour and a half, full of interesting content and some other that even not yet they are playable. It’s a shame that such a great mod has only left us with the remains of what could have been, however at the same time I’m glad that the developers of this mod can finally rest and free themselves from the great pressure that this meant. mod.
On the other hand, I wanted to point out that although I try to collect all the discarded content, I have seen that some others have been left out, but well, let’s say that this is the closest attempt to achieve this result. I must also remember that much of the content you will see on the screen has been made by fans or are placeholders, but they serve to better show all those songs that were left out. They will also be credited.
Remember that none of the content that you will see belongs to me, since I only want to reupload and edit the content that you provide me, so all credits go to the authors of this great mod.
0:00 Introduction
0:21 New Sprites for Too Slow, You Can’t Run and Triple Trouble
2:32 Too Slow (Encore)
5:37 New Sprites for Majin Sonic
6:08 Endless (US Mix)
6:37 Endless (JP Version)
9:31 Endless (Encore)
9:49 Soulless
10:40 Fatality - Fatal Error Song
13:28 Prey - 1st Starved Song
18:20 Fight or Flight - 2nd Starved Song
22:05 Round-a-Bout - 1st Needlemouse Song
24:54 NEW Milk
27:34 NEW Too Fest
29:50 Personel - Coldsteel Song
32:34 Missiletoe
35:11 Cutscene for Slaybells
35:24 Burning - Genysys Song
38:21 Lord X Phase 2 Song
39:50 Unknown Sanic Song
40:06 My Horizon - Chaotix Song
44:21 Unnamed Luther Song
44:34 Triple Trouble (Encore) [Knuckles Section]
47:03 Hellbent
49:47 Unnamed Lord X Song
50:17 Sunshine (Encore)
51:04 Manual Blast - 2nd Hog Song
57:58 Substantial - 1st X-Terion Song
1:02:05 Digitalized - 2nd X-Terion Song
1:05:12 Perdition - Satanos Song
1:09:27 Forestall Desire - Requital Song
1:12:03 Gotta Go - Batman Sonic/Lord X Song
1:15:01 B4cksl4sh - SL4SH Song
1:15:55 Heroes & Villains
1:17:42 Running Wild
1:20:03 Unnamed Song
1:21:37 Unnamed Sally_Alt Song
1:22:38 Unnamed Song
1:25:34 Malediction - Curse Song
1:28:14 Message Related to the Songs made by MarStarBro
MarStarBro Channel:
2.5/3.0 Unfinished Build:
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