Aşık Yusuf Ohanes - Savalan Filmi (Turkish Folk Music)

Ashik Yusuf Ohanes was a Turkish folk master of Assyrian origin (1927 - 2019) Aşık Yusuf was one of the greatest representatives of Urmia School of Minstrel. He passed away on 12th May, 2019 at the age of 92 in his hometown of Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran. For more than two centuries, Urmia School of Ashik Music (Turkish: Urmiye Aşık Mektebi) has been a perfect example of the role of music as a tool for peace-building and reconciliation, as well as bringing peoples from different religious (Sunni, Christian, Shia and Alevi) and ethnic groups (Turkish, Assyrian, Armenian and Kurdish) together. یوسف اوهانس
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