Northern Long-Eared Bat Killer: Arkwright Wind Project

If the Northern Long-eared Bat didn’t have enough trouble with deadly white nose syndrome, the massive - publicly subsidized - industrial wind turbine program could wipe them out. The now-endangered Northern Long-Eared Bat nests in old trees, like the acres and acres and acres demolished for the giant turbines destined for the hills of beautiful rural Arkwright. But the threatened bats (let alone the people) get no help from the erstwhile ’environmental’ groups such as the Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense Fund. Those organizations provide the ideology for Gov. Cuomo’s ultra-left 50/30 plan for NY State. The ’Bat Killer’ Mobile, concocted by Mark Twichell and Bob Holland, was first unveiled Oct 6, 2017 at a demonstration (at the Arkwright Town Hall) against the Arkwright Wind Project, Chautauqua NY, Oct 6, 2017. Interview with Dr. Mark Twichell. IMPEACH CUOMO .
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