Hang Me, Oh Hang Me

I haven’t actually seen the movie Inside Llewyn Davis (which kind of gave this song a big boost in popularity) but I know this one from listening to Dave van Ronk’s Folksinger album. One of those beautiful old songs written by that genius, Anonymous. Hope you enjoy my version, and we’ll see you next Sunday! We’re on Patreon! Help us out with our Sunday Morning videos! Get our album on iTunes: MAILING LIST: Hang Me, Oh Hang Me lyrics Hang me, oh hang me I’ll be dead and gone Hang me, oh hang me I’ll be dead and gone Wouldn’t mind the hanging But the layin’ in a grave so long, poor boy I been all around this world I been all ’round cape Gigardeau Parts of Arkansas All around cape Giradeau Parts of Arkansas Got so god damn hungry I could hide behind a straw, poor boy I been all around this world Went up on a mountain There i made my stand Went up on a mountain There i made my stand Rifle on my shoulder And a dagger in my hand, poor boy I been all around this world So hang me, oh hang me I’ll be dead and gone Hang me, oh hang me And i’ll be dead and gone I wouldn’t mind the hanging But the layin’ in a grave so long, poor boy I been all around this world Put the noose around my neck And hung me up so high Put the noose around my neck Hung me up so high Last words i heard ’em say Won’t be long now for you die, poor boy I been all around this world
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