WSCXVI ELLIPSOS QUARTET Le Tombeau de Couperin arr N Herrouët by Maurice Ravel
Ellipsos Quartet
(19:00, Saturday 14 July, Younger Hall)
Paul-Fathi Lacombe -- Soprano Saxophone; Julien Brechet -- Alto Saxophone
Sylvain Jarry -- Tenor Saxophone; Nicolas HerrouÎt -- Baritone Saxophone
Ellipsos Quartet is constantly exploring their instruments’ technical and expressive possibilities and seeking out new musical challenges. The Quartet performs original classical works and transcriptions, as well as works from surprisingly different musical styles. Ellipsos Quartet has performed
13 years ago 00:22:57 13
WSCXVI ELLIPSOS QUARTET Le Tombeau de Couperin arr N Herrouët by Maurice Ravel