Jesus Gives the Most Important Revelation Warning

Jesus warned a false text would follow the Book of Revelation. This false text was the Qur’an. Islam calls the Qur’an the “Final Revelation.“ This is not true. It showed up about 515 years after Revelation was written in 95 AD. Just as Jesus said, the Qur’an adds the words that bring the plagues of Revelation. Just as Jesus said, the Qur’an takes away the words of eternal life through Jesus only, the risen Son of God. Revelation 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. Revelation 22:19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. The Book of Revelation concludes (Revelation 22:18-19) with powerful warnings from God. Do not add nor take away from the Book of Revelation! The false prophet, image a
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