Christopher Doyle: Filming in the Neon World 杜可風:霓虹光影 | 探索霓虹

“I feel like a piece of neon, I’m just a gas inside a tube.“ — ’Christopher Doyle: Filming in the Neon World’ is part of — an online exhibition on Hong Kong’s neon signs, presented by M , West Kowloon Cultural District. 「杜可風:霓虹光影」是西九文化區M 博物館網上展覽「 探索霓虹」的一部分。讓我們一起走進杜可風的光影世界,欣賞霓虹散發的光芒。 Christopher Doyle, an internationally acclaimed cinematographer who have been working on films in the last four decades. Chris is an award winner of Cannes Film Festival and Venice Film Festival, with a total of 42 awards and 19 nominations at film festivals around the world. Famous movies include “Ashes of Time“, “In the Mood for Love“, “Chungking Express“, “Fallen Angels“ and “2046“. 杜可風 - 著名電影攝影師,縱橫影壇四十年,曾獲42個國際電影節獎項及19項相關提名。著名作品包括《花樣年華》、《重慶森林》、《東邪西毒》、《2046》等。 探索霓虹 - Instagram: #HKNEON The Making of Neon Signs 霓虹的製作 - Neon Map 霓虹地圖 - Neon Timeline 霓虹年表
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