In A Place She Didn’t Belong, Among People She Never Knew, She Found A Way To Make A Difference.
B0001AW02A| B00005JM2F| B0002CVMDU| B0001BPRNS| B0002HDT9K| B0001WTX6O| B0002LJTM2| B0002CVMDK| B000ZFVA6S| B0000UX4UItag=imdb-adbox
follows the problematic blossoming romance between busy American socialite Sarah Jordan (Jolie), and rogue doctor Nick Callahan (Owen). The two initially meet in 1984 at a charity event in London. Sarah is still flushed with excitement from her recent marriage, but is nevertheless enchanted by Nick’s impassioned speech on behalf of starving children in Ethiopia. Sarah decides to help the cause in Africa, meeting Nick there and sparking a romantic connection which is cut short because of family and work commitments. Four years later, Sarah finds herself alone after a torrid divorce. Her work for the United Nations now consumes her t