Climate Status Updates From Tweets by Dr. Peter Carter at the Climate Emergency Institute

My brilliant and extremely hardworking colleague Dr. Peter Carter, a fellow Canadian, analyses the latest cutting edge science on climate change in peer-reviewed publications and puts together very clear and concise summary highlights of the main points in slides which he then Tweets out multiple times a day under his Twitter handle @PCarterClimate. Peter founded The Climate Emergency Institute: many years ago, and it is chock full of important information. I often incorporate Dr. Carter’s slides in my presentations, and videos. You should definitely follow his excellent work on Twitter. Peter and I are also part of the Climate Emergency Forum: with others that puts out a video per week on the climate issues that we collectively deem most important. In this video, I chat in detail about the content of the Peter’s Tweets for the last several weeks. Hopefully, this gives you cutting edge knowledge on the present status of our climate system mayhem. Please donate to to support my research and videos that strive to keep you up-to-date on abrupt climate system change and consequences.
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