Leading the Way in Medical Laboratory : in Medical Lab Technology at Shri Ram Medical College.

A medical laboratory technician plays an important role in the basic level of patient care and is responsible for determining whether or not there is a disease by analyzing blood and other bodily fluids. The field of laboratory medicine has undergone a remarkable wave of innovation in the past five decades that has transformed it from a peripheral to a central element of healthcare delivery. New testing methods were introduced and performed on a large scale, some in decentralized settings, in a precise and accurate manner, which led to better diagnoses and better patient care. There were both sustaining and disruptive innovation factors involved in the evolution. An innovative concept, technology, product, or process that appears inferior at first, but ultimately replaces what exists. Medical advances are often made possible through laboratory technology. Before effective treatment is available, testing techniques are available for diagnosing or screening for a particular condition. As a result of advances
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