Remember: you at least once did not have time to run into a subway car, and then complained about the universal injustice and about the driver who closed the doors in front of you.
Admit it: you go from work on a train that arrives at the platform at exactly 19:08, because if you take the next one, you will have to go with talkative colleagues.
Imagine how much effort the Metro team puts in every day to ensure that every train arrives on schedule, in good condition and clean.
We looked into the oldest electric depot of the Kyiv Metro – Darnytsia – to see with our own eyes what route the rolling stock of the Svyatoshynsko-Brovarska line passes every day. Since 1965, cars have been repaired, washed and inspected before entering the route. Here the trains “rest“, although before the appearance of the electric depot, trains were stuck in the tunnels, and the procedure for moving them in the workshop near the Dnipro station was extremely difficult. This is reminiscent of the turntable, which once worked as a li
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Darnytsia Electric Depot / Cinematic FPV
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Две Шкоды: стар и млад | ЧС8-020 | EJ675-01
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