Kitlinermiut: The Copper Inuit People - Inuit Nunangat, Northern Canada

This video is for the “The Copper Inuit People“.., Inuktitut . There are also more videos in this channel for: “The Yellowknives People“, “The Evenki People“, “The Gwitch’in People“, “The Baffin Island Inuit People“, “The Grise Fiord & Resolute Inuit People ..and for over 180 more North & South American Tribes & First Nations. ------------------------------------------------- “The Inuit People are an Indigenous People, living primarily in Inuit Nunangat, in Northern Canada. The majority of our population lives in 51 communities, spread across Inuit Nunangat, the Inuit homeland, encompassing 35 percent of Canada’s landmass and 50 percent of its coastline. We have lived in our homeland since time immemorial. Our communities are among the most culturally resilient .in North America.“ FOR MORE INFORMATION: Inuit Nunangat Government 75 Albert Street, Suite 1101, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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