Nüwü: The Chemehuevi People - Southern Paiute - Mojave Desert - Nevada & California
This is a video for: “The Chemehuevi (Nüwü) People“. There are also videos in this channel for: “The Manhunt For Willie Boy“ (Chemehuevi /Paiute),, more Indigenous-based films & documentaries.. and over 700 videos (and counting) for many North & South-American Tribes & First Nations, Elders, Chiefs, Leaders, Historical Events & Peoples.. and much more.
“The Chemehuevi People” were originally a desert tribe, among the Southern Paiute group. Post-contact, they lived primarily in the eastern Mojave Desert and later Cottonwood Island, in Nevada and the Chemehuevi Valley, along the Colorado River, in California. The Chemehuevi People were a nomadic People, living in small groups, given the sparse resources available in the desert environment. In 1853, the People lost their traditional lands when the Federal government declared them “public domain”. By 1885, they had reunited in the Chemehuevi Valley. Feder
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Nüwü: The Chemehuevi People - Southern Paiute - Mojave Desert - Nevada & California
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