DPRK Defense Minister warns US and south Korea

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e Press Statement of Kang Sun Nam, Minister of National Defence of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea The United States and the south Korean traitors held a meeting of the “nuclear consultative group“ on the 18th to hatch a plot of using nukes against our state despite our repeated warnings and the serious apprehensions of the international community. In particular, they sent the “Ohio“-class strategic nuclear submarine to the operational base at the Pusan Port and thus posed the most undisguised and direct nuclear threat of deploying strategic nuclear weapons in the Korean peninsula for the first time in over 40 years’ time. It shows that the US attempt and action for nuclear attack on the DPRK have entered the most serious stage of visualization and systematization and the phase of military crash on the Korean peninsula has come to the fore as a dangerous reality beyond the limit of all i
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