평양시인민소비품전시회 시작(평양지하상점에서) Exhibition of Consumer Goods Begins in Pyongyang. 平壌
00:00 보도
08:40 각지에서 새집들이 진행 New houses are moving in various places. 各地で新居へ入居
15:20 황해북도체육인숙소 준공 Lodging Quarter of Sportspersons Built in North Hwanghae Province of DPRK 黄海北道スポーツマン宿所が竣工
17:40 평성벼모판종합영양제공장 준공 Factory for Multi-nutrients Completed 平城稲の苗床総合栄養剤工場が竣工
19:00 평양시인민소비품전시회 시작(평양지하상점에서) Exhibition of Consumer G
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8 months ago 00:38:36 1
평양시인민소비품전시회 시작(평양지하상점에서) Exhibition of Consumer Goods Begins in Pyongyang. 平壌