聪明大王帮阿盆姊跑腿买盐,發現商店没开突发奇想完成任务 Dawang help Apenjie buy salt, the store

家里的盐没了,正好准备做饭走不开,于是请大王去帮忙买盐和自己的奖赏火腿肠,没想到等大王回来才知道商店没开,不过聪明的大王却有办法把東西變出來🤣 The salt at home was empty, and I was just about to cook and couldn’t go away, so I asked Dawang to help buy salt and his own reward ham sausage. I didn’t expect to know that the store was closed, but the smart Dawang has a way to change things. 🤣 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,這裡
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