O Sweet Woods - John Dowland
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres, no. 10
Angela Hicks and Penelope Appleyard, sopranos
Sam Brown, lute
Filmed live in Castle Howard, Yorkshire.
O sweet woods the delight of solitarinesse,
O how much do I love your solitarinesse.
From fames desire, from loves delight retir’d,
In these sad groves an Hermits life I led,
And those flase pleasures which once I admir’d,
With sad remembrance of my fall, I dread.
To birds to trees, to earth, impart I this,
For shee less secret, and as senceless is.
O sweet woods...
Experience which repentance only brings,
Doth bid mee now my hart from love estrange,
Love is disdained when it doth looke at Kings,
And love loe placed, base and apt to change:
The power doth take from him his liberty,
His want of worth makes him in cradell die.
O sweet woods...
You men that give false worship unto Love,
And seke that which you never shall obtaine,
The endl