“Bratja/Brothers“ English Cover By: Riverdude (Братья)
Listen to it on Soundcloud here:
Forgive my terrible Russian at the beginning
Lyrics by Vic Mignogna
Милая мама! Нежная!
Мы так любили тебя.
Но все наши силы
Потрачены были зря.
How can I repay you, brother mine?
How can I expect you to forgive?
Clinging to the past, I shed our blood,
And shattered your chance to live
Though I knew the laws, I payed no heed
How can I return your wasted breath?
What I did not know has cost you dear,
For there is no cure for death
Beautiful mother, soft and sweet
Once you were gone, we were not complete
Back through the years, we reached for you
Alas, twas not meant to be
And how can I make amends
For all that I took from you?
I led you with hopeless dreams
My brother, I was a fool
Don’t cry for the past now, brother mine
Neither you nor I are free from blame
Nothing can erase the things we did
For the path we took was the same
(lyrics by Riverdude)
Don’t blame yours
1 view
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“Bratja/Brothers“ English Cover By: Riverdude (Братья)