#27 Stunning Acrylic Swipe + Colorshifting Chain Pulls.

Products: Ivory Black acrylic paint by Art Creation Titanium White by Amsterdam Chameleon colorshifting pigments. ( Ghost pigments) Glitter Paint by Creative Paint( AVEC) Steel Ball Chains: 3-6mm in diameter. I buy a 10m roll and cut it into different lengths. A Cake spinner was used for spinning the canvas. Paint ruler for swipe. *********************************************** Pouring Medium: 1 part Owatrol Floetrol : 1 part Liquitex Pouring Medium and a few drops of water *********************************************** Paint mix: 1 part paint : 2 parts Pouring Medium ********************************************** Cell Activator. 5ml Titanium White : 20ml Australian Floetrol ********************************************** Glitter Paint mix 2tspns colorshift pigments : 100ml glitter paint. Add a little water to thin it down slightly. Canvas size. 16x20” ********
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