Rivers overflow, levees break in China! Villages and Cities submerged in up to 5 meters of water

On July 1, Pingjiang County, Yueyang, Hunan Province issued a notice on united efforts to combat flood disasters. The county prevention index has launched flood control at 8:30 on July 1 In a Level 2 emergency response. Other Natural Disaster Video: South Africa is Sinking! Horrible Floods hit Nelson Mandela, Eastern Cape: Typhoon Maliksi Leaves China in Devastation! Typhoon Brings Heavy Flooding to Yangxi County: Sudden Hail Shocks New Zealand! Crazy Hailstorm in Auckland, New Zealand: Most Horrific Storm in US! The Whole World is Shocked by Hail Storm Very Strong: Mexico is in chaos! Strong storms and flash floods hit Monterrey: We present weather and natural disaster news and our gleaned open source disaster highlights on: thunderstorm,volcano,flood,heavy rain,storm,floods,f
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