A320 Emergency Electrical Config

Today we somehow end up in Emergency Electrical Config. Following the failure of both generators we run through the ECAM and follow up by taking a look at the QRH Emergency Electrical Config Summary. Acronyms used in this video: ECAM - Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring EWD - Engine/Warning Display FAC - Flight Augmentation Computer RAT - Ram Air Turbine Trivia: - Generator switching - Regarding the order of initial generator switching – We realise that this may seem a little contentious to some and appear almost at odds to ECAM logic. The AFM (Airplane Flight Manual) states ‘Turn off then on all generators one after the other’. Note: The AFM is not usually available to line pilots – this sits as a master document to the FCOM and is the one which the aircraft is certified via. It’s a great point of discussion all the same, and something we would like to encourage. - During the summary we state that the centre tank fuel may be unusable – this varies between airframe
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